QuoteThere is no need to elaborate unless there has been a problem,no one gives a fuck that u got your parcel from amsterdam to johanesberg in 5 days.If u didnt receive your parcel then people will want to know why so they can decide if they want to take a risk of dealing with a vendor whos parcels arent arriving.If u got your parcel just say thanks,thats it simple.Except this is exactly what people are looking for information-wise, especially if the vendor has set the country to undeclared. If the mail doesn't arrive to a buyer the country in question will also be highly relevant, although from what I've seen buyers usually don't include that kind of information when its been seized - I suppose feedback from resolution won't show up? To think about this from a different perspective, consider vendors who are listing success rates of countries they've shipped to - how could this ever become a problem?The only realistic solution to this as far as I can see is putting up an selectable option for the vendor where he has to either approve feedback before it's being shown or just having the option of censoring specific ones. I'm sure its happened at some point that some buyer got mail with tracking, posted the tracking number along with exact packaging methods in the feedback afterwards and SR had to step in and remove it.